Fashion STyle: How Thafezin ring Khtopetk?

How Thafezin ring Khtopetk?

Engagement ring is a symbol of romantic beautifully presented by the groom to the bride as a sign of their link relationship official engagement will be crowned with marriage. Therefore, you, dear bride to maintain the engagement ring through diligence on the following matters:

1 Do not forget insurance on the ring in the event of theft or loss, it is important insurance jewelry when purchased.

(2) No Tkhalaa engagement ring in public places, especially if you're Makers cream or wash your hands in a public baths, it is possible to make him forget or be located without pricing.

3 Make sure to clean the engagement ring in a special place to clean jewelry, although you can do it yourself it is best to Takhve to a jewelers to clean it.
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