Seven tips to paint your nails lasts longer
Do you know what is more possible that something bad happens? Can go to a beauty salon for manicures gorgeous setting and there to serve the next day Michqqa or scaly as a result of the collision in anything. It's very frustrating, so here we'll give you some tips and tricks to endure a nail polish for a longer period.
1 Take your nail polish to the beauty salon, was Takecrh If this happens, you can then re-adjust.
2 before putting nail polish, nails of cotton licked her alcohol to get rid of nail oils which may cause cracking Alminkir.
3 Qusay nails whenever they were short downplayed the likelihood of broken or peel off nail polish.
4 Put the always transparent paint the bottom before placing Alminkir because it will help to stabilize the paint more.
5 Thmli not put transparent nail polish manicure higher because it protects them from peeling. Tip: Reinvent transparent nail polish every few days.
6. not using any evaluating products for skin care by evaluating, for example, granules or rubbing your hands or nails, only Wipe your hands wet handkerchiefs and rinse with water and mild soap.
7 may eventually occur any problem, please evaluating open any cans or boxes Bozafrck to prevent scratching the nail polish, although be sure to fix it happened in the case the same Alminkir.